
Click on any heading below to view the relevant policy.

SACSA Carnivals


  • Online nomination forms for Carnivals must be completed approximately 4 weeks prior to the event in order for a school to be eligible to enter the competition.
  • For a carnival or division to go ahead there must be at least four schools nominating teams.
  • The SACSA Sports Executive has the right to cancel a carnival due to lack of teams and cost involved in running the carnival.


  • Ensure all teams have a coach (teacher) and a scorer. All schools must provide the proper staff/student ratio at each carnival. (Please check with the SACSA Coordinator if unsure)


  • Competition draws are based on the number of teams competing.
  • Where possible a cross-over draw is used for 8 or more nominated teams and a Round-Robin draw is used for less than 8 nominated teams.
  • Draws will be available online for all Schools, approximately two weeks before the Carnival event.
  • Schools travelling the furthest distance to the carnival will have a later start time where possible.
  • Medallions and championship trophies will be given out at all carnivals. For team sports, winning schools will be awarded with a trophy and each winning school team member will be issued with gold medals. Runners-up will receive silver medals with the exception of Athletics and Swimming, where ribbons will be awarded.

Maximum players per team

  • Players are only allowed to play in their age group.
  • Please view the table below to see the maximum team size for each tournament.


Rijken Cup

Please check Individual Booklets


5-a-side; 10 Players max

Cross Country


First school to have 3 runners finish earn team medallions

Must be able to run the distance comfortably

AFL Football

3/4 & 5/6 Girls and Boys - 9-a-side; 12 players max

7/8, Boys & Girls 12-a-side; 16 players max

9/10 Boys - 9-a-side; 15 players max

9/10 Girls - 10-a-side; 15 players max


7-a-side; 10 Players max

Table Tennis

3-a-side; 3 Players max


6 a-side; 12 Players max

Touch Football

6-a-side; 12 Players max


3/4 (Boys and Girls) - 9-a-side; 12 Players max

5/6, 7/8 & 9/10 (Boys and Girls) - 11-a-side; 15 Players max


3 per team; 3 Players max


  • To determine placing for finals matches teams will be awarded 3 point for a win; 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss during the minor rounds of tournaments. Should two teams finish equal top or second in their pool, then the following method will be used to determine final positions:
    • The result of the match involving the two or more teams (head to head in the minor rounds)
    • If still tied percentage will be calculated using points for and against

Penalities for arriving late to games

  • Teams arriving late to carnivals will receive the scoring penalty shown below.
    • Volleyball - 2 point penalty every 1 minute late (maximum of 10 points)
    • Basketball – 2 point penalty every 1 minute; (maximum of 18 points)
    • Soccer – 1 goal every 4 minutes late (maximum of 2 goals)
    • Netball – 1 goal penalty every 2 minutes late (maximum of 12 points)
    • Touch Football – 1 try every 2 minutes late (maximum of 3 trys)
    • Table Tennis - Loss of first game (0-11)
    • Badminton - Loss of first game (0-11)
    • Football – 1 goal every 2 minutes (maximum of 4 goals)

First aid

First Aid will be present at each carnival, but it is expected that schools are still responsible to attend to their own students’ first aid.

Photography / Videography at Events

At most SACSA events, there will be photography / videography taken throughout the day / night by SACSA. These images / clips may be used for publication on websites and / or social media platforms. It is the responsibility of the school staff representative present at the event to indicate to the SACSA Executive Sports Coordinator and / or convenor of any students that they do not wish / or are not permitted to be photographed. The onus is on the school to let the SACSA Sports representatives know at the beginning of each day and Team Photos will be the responsibility of each school.

Outdoor Hot Weather Policy

When the weather is forecast (at any outdoor carnival venue), to be 36 degrees Celsius or above, at 9am the day before the event on the BOM website, the event will be cancelled.

The SACSA Sports Coordinator will endeavor to contact all participating schools by 12pm the day before the carnival. The SACSA Sports Coordinator will also do their best to inform schools of an impending cancellation.
Each school is responsible to inform their parents of a possible or impending cancelled event. Schools are also
responsible to inform their parents when an event is cancelled.
Individual schools will need to provide shade at each event site. Students should seek out available shade during rest periods or at times when they are not competing. Hats should be worn at all times excluding when directly competing. Please ensure students are appropriately dressed for the event.

Indoor Hot Weather Policy

When the weather is forecast (at any indoor carnival venue with inadequate air conditioning), to be 38 degrees Celsius or above, at 9am the day before on the BOM website, the event will be cancelled.

The SACSA Sports Coordinator will endeavor to contact all participating schools by 12pm the day before the carnival. The SACSA Sports Coordinator will also do their best to inform schools of an impending cancellation.

Outdoor Extreme Weather Policy

In the event of thunder and lightning, all SACSA Sports Carnivals will be cancelled at any time before or during the event.

In the event of extreme weather e.g. high winds, extreme hail, torrential rain, etc. the SACSA Sports Carnivals will be cancelled at any time at the discretion of the SACSA Sports Coordinator and the SACSA Executive Committee. Schools will be notified in advance if cancellation is being considered.

In some cases, a modified program for the day may be implemented to avoid cancellation. Schools will be notified of this before or during the event.

Sun Protection Policy

  • It is well known that Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and levels of ultraviolet radiation are particularly high in many locations around Australia.
  • Many sporting events organised by SACSA are conducted outdoors and in locations that have been identified as high skin cancer risk areas, particularly at certain times of the day.
  • It is therefore important for SACSA to protect students and staff, to the greatest extent possible, from the dangers of exposure to the sun.

Sun Protection Implementation Strategies

In order to ensure that all participants at SACSA events are afforded the best possible protection from skin damage caused by the sun, the following implementation strategies are recommended:

  • SACSA Schools should ensure that team uniforms are suitable for the locations to be visited and that hats are included when traveling to high risk venues.
  • SACSA schools should ensure that their staff members provide their students with adequate instruction on sun sense and protection measures.
  • SACSA Sports encourage all officials and participants to wear appropriate hats when appropriate, use the broad spectrum sunscreen and use available shade areas whenever possible

Blood Policy

At all times play must be stopped by an official to tend to any player who is injured or when an injury is suspected. “Personal safety is paramount”. In the case of an open cut or abrasion where bleeding is evident, the injured player shall be withdrawn from the competition, by an official and will not return until the bleeding has stopped, the wound completely covered and any evident blood on the uniform or equipment has been removed.

Smoking & Alcohol Policy

All SACSA officials / coaches / parents / spectators and participants are reminded that smoking and the drinking of alcohol is prohibited during SACSA events whether at school or SACSA sports carnivals. It is necessary that this policy be observed at all SACSA sporting events.

Student Bans Policy

If SACSA Sports becomes aware of any student who has been banned for participating in an associated body for a particular Sport (eg. Basketball SA for Basketball), they will not be permitted to participate in the same Sport at the SACSA Sports Carnivals, until their ban has been completed.

Codes of conduct

Codes of Conduct for Players

  • Show respect for sporting authorities, including the umpire and officials from both teams. Accept their decisions, cooperate with their instructions. If you really disagree ask one of your team authorities (such as captain, coach) to approach the official and then only during a break in the game. (1 Peter 2:13 – “Be submissive to every human institution and authority for the sake of the Lord.").
  • Always play by the rules. (2 Thessalonians 2:13 – “Do not become weary or lose heart in doing right.”).
  • Be a good example of self-control. Control your temper and language. Abusing others or yourself is unacceptable in any sport. (Proverbs 15:1 – “A soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words cause quarrels.”).
  • Give your best effort - for your school, coach, team-mates and yourself. (1 Corinthians 10:31 – “….whatever you may do, do all for the honour and glory of God.”).
  • Be a good sport by welcoming visiting teams, exchanging pre-match courtesies and by thanking them, shaking hands after the game. Be a good winner and a good loser. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Don’t interfere with, or take unfair advantage of another player.
  • Have fun. All teams experience winning and losing. Learn to enjoy many different things in sport, not just the score.
  • Make a commitment - stick to it. If you’re selected on a team then it is important to be available for every game and practice for the whole season. Show responsibility by being changed, punctual and notifying your coach in advance of any absences. There are serious consequences for both you and the team if you do not honour your commitment.

Code of Conduct for Coaches

  • Remember that children enjoy many different aspects of sport and that winning is only part of the fun.
  • Be generous with praise, but discreet, constructive and very selective with criticism. (Colossians 3: 21 – "Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged").
  • Teach your players to always play by the rules. (Thessalonians 2:13 – “Do not become weary or lose heart in doing right.”).
  • Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards (OHS&W guidelines) and are appropriate to the age and ability of your players.
  • Be an example of respect for opponents, officials and other coaches. Use appropriate language at all times. (James 3: 2 – “If anyone can control his tongue, it proves that he has perfect control over himself in every other way.”).
  • Be decisive, prompt and consistent in dealing with inappropriate behaviour from your players. (Proverbs 19:18 –“Discipline your son in his early years while there is hope. If you don’t you will ruin his life.”).
  • Where spectators’ (including parents) behaviour is inappropriate first warn, then ask them to remove themselves from the spectator area. Make a written report to your schools the sports coordinator for any such incidents.
  • Keep your own knowledge of coaching and the developments of the game up to date.
  • At training give plenty of opportunity for each player’s development. Make training varied and enjoyable for your players.
  • Ensure that adequate supervision is provided for your school’s students

Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators

  • Encourage your children to participate in sport. Give your guidance in their choice of sport without forcing them to play.
  • Parents and spectators must not challenge decisions made by officials in charge any problems or complaints should be taken up with the schools coach or representative.
  • Have a ‘do your best’, rather than a ‘win at all costs’ attitude to your child’s involvement. (I Corinthians 10:31 “…Whatever you may do, do all for the honour and glory of God.”).
  • Encourage children to always play by the rules. (Thessalonians 2:13 – “Do not become weary or lose heart in doing right.”).
  • Be a good example of a spectator at your child’s games by applauding good play from both teams. Accept the decisions of umpires and other officials. Never criticize coaches, officials or any players. Avoid being overzealous to the point of embarrassing children. They value your encouragement but don’t want attention focused on their every move. (“…Parents…don’t keep scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and resentful.” Ephesians 6:4).
  • Verbal abuse / swearing or ridiculing player is not permitted
  • Allow the coaches room to do their job. Don’t crowd around the team if players or the coach are distracted by your presence. Encourage your child to be attentive and cooperative to their coach. Wait until the coach has dismissed the players before interacting.
  • Recognise the value and importance of coaches and other volunteers. Encourage them, thank them, and offer your support. Discuss your child’s involvement with them.
  • Never abuse or ridicule a player for making mistakes. (Colossians 3:21 – "Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged").

**The SACSA carnival convener or SACSA Sports Coordinator reserves the right to (in serious cases) remove any spectator/ coach / team or player from the carnival**

Codes of behaviour

For Players

  • Encourage team mates and opponents – Be a ‘good sport’
  • Work hard for your team as well as yourself
  • Treat all team-mates and opponents as you enjoy being treated yourself
  • Play by the rules
  • Co-operate with team and game officials
  • Control your behaviour on and off the field
  • Learn to value honest effort, skilled performance and improvement

For Teachers and Coaches

  • Set a good example of Christian character for your players
  • Establish and maintain a safe physical and emotional environment for all players
  • Encourage and create opportunities to develop individual skills
  • Emphasize the team aspect
  • Ensure that the sport is appropriate for the age group and the skill development level of the players involved
  • Teach your players to be friendly towards officials and opponents
  • Give all interested students a chance to participate in training and in games
  • Remove from the field of play any of your players whose behaviour is not acceptable
  • Keep your own knowledge of coaching and the developments of the game up to date

For Parents

  • Support the event, the teams and your child in a manner that upholds Christian values
  • Encourage participation by your children
  • Assist coaches and players in any way possible
  • Provide a model of good sports behaviour for your child to copy
  • Be courteous in your communication with players, team officials, game officials, and sport administrators.
  • Encourage honest effort, skilled performance and team loyalty
  • Make any new parents feel welcome on all occasions
  • Do not interfere with the conduct of any events

For Spectators

  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour
  • Remember children play for enjoyment. Don’t let your behaviour detract from their enjoyment
  • Let game officials conduct events without interference
  • Support skilled performances and team play with generous applause

Demonstrate respect for opposing players and their supporters